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Reflections and New Ideas as I Prepare to Homeschool 2nd, 7th and 10th Grades

I could tell you honestly about homeschooling philosophies, I've tried it all. 

Here's my list to date:                                                              

  • Traditional(Abeka)
  • Unschooling (online ideas)
  • Unit Studies (Konos)
  • Charlotte Mason (Ambleside Online, Sonlight) 
  • Classical (Classical Conversations, Well-Trained Mind)
  • Eclecti(A combination of my favorite ideas from the above) 
As you can see, I'm not the type to white-knuckle my approach. What has inspired me to push my limits? The answer is other homeschooling moms who have supplied a unique curriculum for each of their 5-plus children, based on individual learning style, aptitude, and interest. 

I clearly remember my jaw-dropping when one such mother sat next to me watching soccer practice and unassumingly filled me in on what and how each of her children would be studying that year. Since then, it has been my prayer that I would be that sensitive to each of my children's needs and identities, that open to finding what works for each individual, and that dedicated to researching, understanding, making connections, and implementing quality education for my children.

So, yeah, I could tell you that I've tried it all, but the more elegant truth would be that I've learned from all these different philosophies. I've seen the beauty and challenges in each one, and I believe that to find the philosophy that works best for each learner and parent we need patience and an eye towards the heart of the child.

Where am I now? 2nd, 7th, and 10th grade are vague numbers that mainly tell you how old my kids are. 

My 15-year-old, who is inspired by a challenge, will mostly learn independently this year. He has expressed an interest in pursuing science and math and has fallen in love with Khanacademy for learning and exploring these subjects. He's interested in his Dad's field, Computer Programming, and enjoys codeacademy for that. My husband has taken a greater interest in our son's mathematics studies this year and also answers questions and gives guidance with our son's programming interests.

For foreign language this year, we used Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish, which came as a well-needed breather after three years of drier Latin studies, and we have found it a joyful experience. He and his sister will most likely continue in Spanish with similar books. For this coming year, I am researching and whether to give my son another year with Sonlight for History, Literature, Language Arts, and Science or to go with an online dual enrollment program, which would give him early college credits. 

My son is now at the age where he is distancing himself from me (this is so bittersweet) and finding more joy in Dad's company. The two of them play tennis, surf, and work out together, as well as discuss books and games that they both enjoy.

My 12-year-old is most comfortable with her nose in a living book. That is why Sonlight is my top pick for her again next year for History, Literature, Science, and Language Arts. She consistently scores in the top percentile on standardized tests. For math, she has only ever used Singapore Mathematics, which she enjoys. So, I'm sticking with what works. As a side note, it is worth mentioning that this child is naturally an independent learner, and has taken over her own studies, only coming to me rarely with questions. We take long, peaceful bike-rides together, and she uses that time to fill me in on what she's learned in her readings, what has inspired her in her studies, and what she has enjoyed reading about most.

My youngest, who is turning 7 this year, has immensely enjoyed our Sonlight read-aloud times, and so have I! Because her older siblings are more independent in their studies than in previous years, she is able to have my full attention for the first time since she was born! She is blooming and delighting me with her young insights and the connections she makes. I'll continue with Sonlight for her because it has been such a joy for both of us. We have also been using First Language Lessons For the Well-Trained Mind, which has been a wonderful supplement for Language Arts. I like the conversational style of education the book opens up. I'm continuing her Singapore math curriculum and may continue to add in the Foundations Memory Work from Classical Conversations because I like the idea that when we are first introduced to facts, those facts become like a peg on which to hang further information.  

So, that's the way I'm leaning on curricula this year. What will your next school year look like? What curriculum choices have you found that bring you and your children joy? What inspires you as you educate your children? 

I would love to hear from you!


Jen Dowell


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