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Athletic Scholarships are Easy? Helping our Kids Achieve their Potential

An athletic scholarship may be more attainable than we think! A company called NSCA Athletic Recruiting is helping to take the apprehension out of the process. I was delighted this week, as I did some preliminary poking around on the internet on the subject, to find their site.

Since our son was a very young child, my husband and I have noticed that he is very adept at focusing and working diligently and steadily to develop and improve skills. Additionally, he is highly motivated by goals, and has always been extremely physically coordinated. Over the last several years, has found a special affinity for tennis, as he takes lessons, practices with dad and friends, and competes in local tournaments.

As a parent, I have always striven to honestly "see" my children. I want to allow their natural gifts and callings to surface, unhindered. As simple as that sounds, many times, I feel ill-equipped to "see".  Other times, it seems so obvious that they are constantly intrigued and drawn to certain subjects or activities, and that those are areas where they will find much joy and fulfillment in their lives.

When I realized that tennis was something that my son is consistently motivated by and finding joy in, and that he is expressing an interest in pursuing it long-term,  I decided to look into athletic scholarships for college. I did so with a bit of apprehension, wondering how recruiting could work for a kid who is not on a high-school team, and wondering, too, how highly a kid needs to be ranked to even be considered for a scholarship.

 Right away,  I found a website with promising information. The site makes it clear that, with the proper research and "leg-work", any parent can help their child attain a worthy scholarship, but this particular company provides the service of doing the leg work to help kids reach for there collegiate dreams.

They explain that most parents and kids assume that only the very top athletes in any given sport can receive a scholarship, but bring to light the fact that many schools don't even use all of their scholarship money for various sports in a given year. Apparently, there is a need for(and funding for) even an average athlete to join collegiate teams.  This website is definitely worth checking out! It may be that a college scholarship is not as far from our child's grasps as we may think. NCSA sports and check out this other terrific article:


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